Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

a. I, Diego Cortez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b. For my independent component,  from the 20th of October 2011, I have logged in a total of 48 hours on after playing an overall number of 181 games against ranked opponents. (The average time for a game was 15 minutes. )

Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.

With my topic being on chess, I can't start teaching what I don't know about. I needed a lot of experience with the game to be able to develop a different perspective on the subject. With so much experience in the past months, I have definitely improved my skill and have a better understanding of the game. 
I thought it demonstrated hard work because most of the games are only a few minutes long, so I had to play more to get the hours I needed. I could have just played turn-based games( day-long games) and gotten easy hours like that, but instead I thought more games would increase my skill and help me out more than just a couple of really long games. 

How did it help you answer your EQ?  Be specific and use examples.

My EQ is "What is the best way to win a game of chess?" It would be impossible to answer this question with relevant  answers if I had no experience with the game. My third interview( Nguyen, Thongminh "Interview 3." Personal interview. 25 Jan. 2012) told me the best way to improve was to just keep playing games, and that is essentially what I have done with my independent task. A potential answer I currently have is to learn from more experienced players when you play against them. In a game played this past week, I had a superior position the entire game but still lost from a checkmate that I had never experienced. So after the game was finished I messaged the player and I was able to learn the technique he used to pull that surprising win. Overall, these hours of independent task have provided a level of experience and understanding of the game that I previously did not have. 

Hours Log Calendar (google doc):

Evidence of 30 hours of work: 
For the evidence, I will simply provide my account's(diegocortez28) public game archive on It keeps track of every single game I have played on the site. I used games from October 20, 2011. 

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