Monday, December 5, 2011

Self Reflection

(1) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?  AE, P, AP, CR, or NC
I would say, so far i deserve a P on my project. I've met all the deadlines and haven't missed an assignment but I haven't really gone above and beyond on any particular component. (2) What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?
I think I have maintained my blog well.I have updated this blog with the necessary posts consistently and on time for nearly all assignments. 
(3) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why? 
I would like to keep better care of my research(articles, books, etc.) because during the last folder check, I had some difficulties accessing all of my research pieces in a timely and organized fashion. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your hypothesis? 

If a student plays at least two games every day, then that student will improve their overall wins to losses percentage.
2. Identify the dependent (produced), independent (manipulated) and control variables in your hypothesis. 

-The dependent variable in my experiment is the change in win/loss percentage from previous percentage's(chess elective data)
-The independent variable is the amount of games I make the students play. 
-The control variables are the people chosen for my experiment.

3. What is the connection between your science fair project and your senior project EQ? 

My EQ is about finding the best way to play the game effectively and this science project will help me prove the best way to practice and overall increase your wins.

4. How will you perform the experiment?  Include the equipment you plan on using.

1.) Construct a chart of every selected player's previous games(wins/losses) using recorded data tables from Chess elective.
2.) Group players according to their overall win percentage using the chart. 
3.) Have every member of group 1 play at least 2 games a day outside of elective in order to practice. Meanwhile prohibit the other group(group 2) from playing chess outside of elective. 
4.) Pair up players so that group 1 faces group 2 and have them play each other at least 5 times.
5.) Repeat Step 4 at least 2 more times to develop a more accurate result. 
6.) Record the wins and determine which side has the higher win/loss percentage. 

5. Which category will your project be listed under?

I will list this under Behavioral Science. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1.)  I have learned the in-depth history of the game and many different strategies and terms that every intermediate player should know. The most important information that has stuck with me is definitely the different openings I have learned.
2.)  This is a picture of the popular opening that I like to use most often and have learned to do since beginning my research.
3.)   The articles I found after browsing the web were pretty good but my main source for my information has definitely been the book, Weapons of chess: an omnibus of chess strategy / by Bruce Pandolfini. It has offered me clear and concise strategies that can easily be implemented in any game. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1.)  For my independent study component, I plan on playing numerous online games against ranked opponents on the website, I hope to gain experience from these games to ultimately learn more openings and to improve my overall skill.
2.)  I am quite confident I can reach the goal of 30 hours of work because most of these games take quite a lot of time and effort. Some can last hours so I think the 30 hours will be reached. I can log in once I start a game and log out when I finish playing so that I can take an online screenshot of the process. I can also have an adult present as I play to be completely sure that I am working on the appropriate task.
3.)  My EQ demands knowledge in how to win a chess match and also a lot of experience doing so.  Playing countless games online against increasingly difficult players will in fact give me that experience I need in order to teach others how to win. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Title: Defining the Essential Question

1.)  What is the best way to win a game of chess?
2.)  I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. The “best” way would be the fastest, and most foolproof way of winning that can be consistent in every game that is played.
3.)  – Study Games played by Prodigies to learn different techniques.                                                                - Analyze your own games to make sure you learn from your mistakes and improve over time.
4.)  My most important source has definitely been the book I have read, “ Weapons of Chess,” by Bruce Pandolefini. This has been a great resource on all the basics and on a number of terms and techniques that dominate the game and should be known by all intermediate players. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

I plan on interviewing the head teacher that is in charge of the chess club at Cal Poly.

1.)  How many years have you been playing the game?
2.)  What is it that inspired you to found this club?
3.)  What would your advice be for a player wanting to improve his skill?
4.)  Do you consider yourself a “great player?” Why or why not?
5.)  Have you ever participated in or attended a chess tournament?
6.) What would you say your qualifications are for leading this club?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog 4

1.     My first interview was with a teacher, and she taught me a couple of different ways that I can make sure the content is actually understood by the students. She suggested using any form of visuals to help the students because most learn best from seeing a physical thing instead of just thinking about it. Seeing as I’m not the best presenter,to help my lesson plan, I passed out a visual handout that could help me direct the presentation and guarantee the students know the information, seeing as it is in their hands.
2.     Not many people passed out handouts to the class, so I would say that is what most stood out to me, personally. The lesson I was relied on the entire class seeing the same visual, so I thought a hand out would be a good choice.
3.     The most challenging thing to do was to capture the student’s attention after sitting through about 10 other people talk about their own personal projects. Also, presenting in such a way, that could make the students care about my project even though they really dont have a reason to. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

5 minute Presentation Rough Draft

1.) I’ll start off by engaging the class asking them if any of them know whom Bobby Fischer was. He was a famous American chess grandmaster and is considered to be one of the best players of all time. He also revolutionized the way most people play chess today, giving each move a time limit.
2.) Next, I will pass out a handout that describes a famous game between a 12 year old Bobby Fischer and Donald Byrne that has been described as the "game of the century."
3.) I will speak about the importance of studying old games to improve your skill and try to go over why this particular game was significant and what a chess player could learn from it. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interview Check

1.     I plan on interviewing an I-Poly alumnus that also centered his senior project on my topic.

2.     I also want to ask them about their history with chess, 
As a chess player, who did you look up to professionally and what did you learn from them? 
Were did you learn to play the game and how did you improve?

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Topic and Why.

For my senior project, I chose Chess as my topic for a number of different reasons. First, and foremost being my love for the game and all aspects of it. With chess being my topic, I also am really looking forward to learning more about different strategies and studying historic games that I can analyze and learn from.  At the end of the year, I hope to learn the deep history of the game and multiple, unique strategies from my research and accumulate skill to hopefully become an above-average player when compared to other "good" players.